Thursday, September 16, 2010

Find us on the HIGH 5 REVIEW!


Quick update on this blog.... and where to go in the future for updates.....

As of today, this blog will remain here to redirect people and as an archive, but we won't be updating it anymore. We are happy to announce the building of our new online arts-paper --- The High 5 Review ( There will be a TRaC section in the newspaper that will pick up where this blog left off. Expect weekly posts about TRaC ongoings, TRaC reviews, event announcements, and much much more!

Events like first friday Pizza and a Movie Nights will continue to be announced on Facebook (become a fan of High 5 here) and the High 5 Review.   Both will have updates for free tickets to shows, news about special TRaC events, and random posts about random arts opportunities for teens.

And if you're not on High 5's e-mail newsletter, you're missing out on new shows, reviews and event announcements every week! Sign up here to get the inside beat on all things art in the city:

We'll see you out there at the shows!
(and on the High 5 Review)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Apply for spring Visual Arts TRaC

Applications for spring Visual Arts TRaC are now available for eligible high school students at

Come together with people from different backgrounds and schools who want to explore the arts and sharpen their critical eye.  Imagine yourself and these 12 peers attending world-class performances, meeting professional artists and critics, and breaking it down in weekly two-hour workshops.  All while improving your writing!

What else will you do in Visual Arts TRaC?

  • Attend at least 5 shows and exhibitions
  • Experience the NYC arts world with behind-the-scenes access
  • Learn from high-profile professional artists and critics
  • Expand your critical writing and dialogue skills
  • Publish reviews read by thousands
  • Meet like-minded peers from all over NY and NJ
  • Master New York City’s public transportation system
  • Discover more about yourself!
ArtsConnection/High 5 partners with the Museum of Arts and Design (a.k.a. the MAD Museum) to bring you the best in the visual arts from around the city.  The Visual Arts TRaC schedule is as follows* (subject to change):

TRaC Kickoff Party, 4:30 - 6:15, March 16

8 Classes on Thursdays @ the MAD Museum 4:30 - 6:30
March 18, March 25, (off March 31 for Winter Break)
April 8, April 15, April 22 (off April 28 for Spring Break)
May 6, May 13, May 20
+ the 5 or 6 exhibition outings TBD

The TRaC Finale, 2:00 - 4:00, May 22

Download a TRaC flier and application today at  Or attend our Open House on February 25th to get more information.  Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis.  (Yes, all former TRaC participants may take another TRaC class.  Yes, you must resubmit an application).

Applications are due on March 4th.